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Scratch Game Creator

Intended Use/Subject: Coding & Cross-Curricular

Age range: Grade 2-12

Cost: Free and free forever



Click the Green Flag to begin! Be sure to have sound on. (This experience is best played on a desktop with a full keyboard). 





If the embedded game fails to load, click here

Gamer EVA Review -  Scratch Game Creator
Robot playing with toy

Engaging  - Students can create any content they wish, including creating something they are passionate about!

Mid-Low Entry, High Ceiling - Students can create simple to incredibly complex games


Teacher Responsive - Requires some basic coding knowledge first for teachers to instruct, without it teachers may feel lost


Open community - Scratch is incredibly popular and has a robust coding community


Cross Curricular - Scratch can perform any classes curricular goals as it is a game builder, not a game itself. 

teacher review

Engaging - Lots of character sprites to choose from to make it fun


Free Creation - Students are free to make a game they are passionate about


Active, Worldwide Collaboration - Students can participate in community forums with other students, create games together, and remix other's content. 


Limitless possibilities - Students can create any game they choose, for free, all in a cloud based software

student review



Development of Computational Thinking skills and programming knowledge, while working on content areas from other areas.


Free, and student privacy is highly valued


Research based program from MIT's Creative Lab



investor review
Activity 2
Go to Scratch and spend 10 minutes "Remixing" a starter project to make changes of your own. Post your game to the padlet below!.
answer the polls and author a comment in the Padlet
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